Category Archives: Journeyman Chronicles

Show Your Work

This is a great example of what a work blog can be (in occupations similar to mine).

Knowing Better

Saturday I took the GMAT. They send you an e-mail the day before warning you that you won’t be allowed to take the test if there is any discrepancy with your ID. I checked to make sure my driver’s license matched the name on the receipt and all was well. At the test center, though, it turned out that my Read More


Among other reasons why I am not worthy of the heavenlies, there is this. If you don’t hear from me again on this typographically-obscene website for several months, it is because I am looking for purgatory.  

Masquerading as People

My  boss’s boss, David, pulled me in the office today. “Spend some money,” he said. “Buy some clothes.” I had caught signals before that he wished I were a spiffy dresser, but I thought I had compensated enough. Evidently not. When I related this advice to my family, the menfolk were outraged. One brother hoped I flipped him the bird Read More